Saturday, June 20, 2009

Enlightenment Day 19th June 2000

I became enlightened on the 19th June 2000 at 5am UK time. Had I been enlightened before that? It is possible but I had not been consciously aware of it.

I consider Enlightenment Day as my real birthday. I cannot recall the "experience" of being Dave before that Enlightenment Day though I have memories of existing.

Enlightenment Day was the day when I became alive and woke up.

I immediately started sharing the Enlightenment Teaching and Enlightenment Transmission.

I celebrate Enlightenment Day because it was the day that I met the Enlightenment Transmission.

That Moment of Enlightenment Transmission is an unending moment, a continuous experience, which is always expanding since Enlightenment Day.

The Enlightenment Transmission Teaching has changed the lives of many people in unimaginable ways bring awakening, raised awareness and wisdom.

The Enlightenment Teaching Transmission is available for everyone who sincerely wants to awaken or seeks self-realisation, spiritual liberation or Enlightenment.

The Teaching is now available via seminars, retreats, live online class and archived recordings - see my main teaching site for audio teaching and also

My other spiritual teaching websites are:

The Oshana Enlightenment Transmission network is quickly growing. In future posts I will bring you updates about happenings, experiences and news about how the incredible gift of Transmission is enriching the spiritual and everyday lives people around the world. Better yet, get yourself involved for and discover an amazing reality today!